For extra credit, you have three chances to write up to three papers for up to 6 points added to your final grade. See the syllabus for the due dates. Each paper should be 2 to 3 pages. By two pages, I mean two full pages. Please type your work, double-spaced, font size no larger than 12.
Attend one of the concerts listed below. If you can't make any of them, let me know and we'll figure something out.
To the best of your ability, write about the music in the concert:
•Describe as best you can what the music sounds like.
•Say something about every piece.
•If you only have three pages, you will have to be precise.
•Please turn in a copy of the program from the concert with your paper.
For listings at Brooklyn College, click below:
Levenson Recital Hall is in the basement of Gershwin.
Whitman Concert Hall is across the lawn from Gershwin.
FREE student recitals in Levenson not listed on the calendar:
We 24 September 2003 7pm. Yoon Sook Jo, viola.
many high-quality free concerts also happen at the following schools and are acceptable concerts to attend for extra credit:
The Graduate Center
Queens College
Columbia University
Manhattan School of Music