Groves: Antheil, Futurism
Music in the Western World: pp. 443-445

If you have any questions about the reading, email me.

Use the questions to guide your note-taking. Do not quote verbatim from the book without putting quotes around it. When taking the quiz, try to paraphrase as much as possible, but if you have to use something verbatim, use quotation marks and cite the source.


1) Why did Antheil travel to Europe?

2) Who did Antheil meet in Berlin?

3) How was Ballet Mécaniquereceived in Paris?

4) What happened after he changed his composition style to neo-classic?

5) How was Ballet Mécaniquereceived in New York?

6) The Futurism movement started in what country?

7) Who wrote "The Art of Noise?" (L'arte dei rumori)

8) What did the Futurists value?

9) What other country had a significant Futurist movement?

10) According to the article on "Futurism," what other music styles had their origins in Futurism?

11) According to Russolo, when was Noise born?

12) How does Russolo feel about "the great composers?"

13) What was Russolo's occupation?