Groves: Bela Bartok, Nationalism (Sections 14 and 15)
Music in the Western World: pp. 445-450

If you have any questions about the reading, email me.

Use the questions to guide your note-taking. Do not quote verbatim from the book without putting quotes around it. When taking the quiz, try to paraphrase as much as possible, but if you have to use something verbatim, use quotation marks and cite the source.


1) Bartok was originally influenced by what composers?

2) What did Bartok do to help give his music "origniality and unity?"

3) Who was Bartok's partner in researching folk music?

4) What is polymodal chromaticism?

5) In Bartok's opinion, how should one learn to incorporate folk music into one's own compositions?

6) Summarize how folk music can be used in modern music.

7) How much importance does Bartok place on citing the origins of a folk-influenced melody?

8) During the early part of the 20th century, what two countries represented conflicting ideas of modernist musical thought (neo-classicism vs. atonalism)?

9) In the article on 'Nationalism,' what does Virgil Thomson say about atonality?

10) How was Bartok's music regarded by the different nationalistic/modernist fronts?