Groves: Cage, Aleatory
Music in the Western World: pp. 523-525

If you have any questions about the reading, email me.

Use the questions to guide your note-taking. Do not quote verbatim from the book without putting quotes around it. When taking the quiz, try to paraphrase as much as possible, but if you have to use something verbatim, use quotation marks and cite the source.


1) Who were Cage's composition teachers?

2) With what dancer did Cage have a "lifelong working relationship?"

3) How did Cage meet Morton Feldman?

4) What stimulated Cage's interest in silence?

5) What did Cage discover through using chance operations in composition?

6) What are the three types of aleatory technique as described in Groves?

7) Summarize the ways in which various composers have used aleatory.

8) Discuss the role of the performer in aleatoric works.

9) How does Cage explain "sound come into its own?"

10) Who does Cage mention as composers who let "sound be themselves" and how did they do that?