Grove: Reich, Minimalism
photocopies from Writings about Music: "Music as a Gradual Process," "Some Optimistic Predictions about the Future of Music," and "Notes on Compositions."
I will leave copies in my mailbox for those of you who did not pick them up in class.
Use the questions to guide your note-taking. Do not quote verbatim from the book without putting quotes around it. When taking the quiz, try to paraphrase as much as possible, but if you have to use something verbatim, use quotation marks and cite the source.
1) Where was Reich living when he wrote It's Gonna Rain?
2) What technique was Reich exploring with his tape pieces?
3) Where did Reich go to study drumming?
4) How does the article on Minimalism compare and contrast minimalist art and minimalist music?
5) What four composers does the article name as the American pioneers of minimalist music?
6) What types of music other than Western classical does minimalism draw upon?
7) What is Reich trying to achieve with gradual musical processes?
8) Summarize Reich's predictions about the future of music.
9) Where did Reich get the material for It's Gonna Rain?
10) What problems are there in setting speech and how does Reich solve them?
11) What does Reich compare performing his phase pieces to?